Living with Addison’s disease
Living with Addison’s disease is pure hell. It’s a very rare disease that isn’t heard of so doctors doesn’t know to look for it in patients. I suffered for several years near death then after seventeen hrs. In the ER. Thirty minutes on the floor room I was rushed to ICU. In which I spent two months. I was being IV’d so many different medications. But the one that I can remember very well is Potassium IV it hurt so bad I would literally scream/cry beg God to take me. And I did more than once although my enzymes kept dropping. Doctors couldn’t figure out why And were doing all that they could to keep me alive. And I was seriously at the point I didn’t care. I was so sick weak cold literally drained. By the time I’d finally doze off to sleep they’d come in for blood work and vitals. The Dr. Came in to speak with me and asked if I had been left out in the cold for any length of actually made me mad so I giggled and said Sir I. Live in Ga.. He wasn’t humored and then told me the bad news that I have Addison’s disease and hypothermia. I wasn’t sure what Addison’s was but by the sound of it it wasn’t good. And it’s not I’m on steroids for the rest of my life to keep my kidneys functioning I have no immune system whatsoever and can go into crisis for literally nothing. I don’t suppose to have any emotions at all which I still haven’t figured out how to turn them off. When I go into crisis I have three minutes or less to get to the nearest hospital. I live two away from Park Ridge hospital. I’m the only one in the state of Georgia that has this awful disease. I’ve got it under control finally and have stayed out of the hospital for a few months now but afraid to be to happy about it. I. Suppose to have a injection pin but being I live so close to a hospital they won’t prescribe me one. That’s another story. As far as hypothermia I’m always cold even at a 100 degree weather. And I’m the winter months it’s horrible I actually have a heated blanket that stays in my car. If I have to go out any where I am dressed like I’m going to Alaska, So I try not to have to go anywhere I miss my life not being sick so much. I call myself a transformer because I have transformed into someone that I don’t know I don’t even look like myself. When I look into a mirror I don’t know the woman looking back at me. I’ve become so bitter so mean that I try to stay too myself, My relationship is barely hanging on only by a thin very thin string, because my man is a typical man and has manly needs that I can’t give, Hormones went completely away and dr won’t prescribe any hormone medication to me. They say they cause female cancer….. So I sleep on the other end of the house from my love it kills me and yes I’ve tried all the Pure romance things with no luck just a waste of several hundreds of dollars. I fight depression and put on fake smiles for my children/grandchildren. I use to be very outgoing always ready for a new adventure and now I barely go outside. I don’t go to get togethers with family anymore and I don’t go shopping at all. My life has no meaning whatsoever, I literally don’t even know what day it is unless I ask..,, I have my room set up to where I don’t have to go out of it unless I just want to. And that’s very rare. Do I miss my life? Yes very much but there’s no hope in finding myself I’ve tried every loophole imaginable with no luck. I’m back down to maybe 102/100 pounds, I use to weigh between 135 to 15. But I’m immune to my steroids now so they don’t make me eat everything in sight anymore. And until my insurance that I’ve finally got comes in affect I can’t get the dose mg up’ed. Who knew that a blow to the head would cause a horrible disease? I certainly didn’t. But that’s how I got Addison’s I fell and hit my head really hard which caused a tumor on the brain which caused my disease. The tumor praise God is gone but the legion is still there and it can come back. I. Guess you could say that many many prayer from all around the world Cbd oil and faith made it go away without undergoing surgery. I know not to put my guard down though because I’m scared that if I do it will come back. And I will be put back on pain meds in which I got addicted to for several year’s. :( . Several LONG yrs. Which caused a obstruction and from that I had six inches taken off my intestines was in no way fun, I am finally pain pill free. I Hurt daily some where but I fight the pain. So from here I guess I’m going to say if you know anyone with any kind of disease don’t mock them study there sickness learn how you can help them, because if they feel any way like I do they’ll appreciate the help and support you offer.
Always the Addison patient